What Do I Do When My Water Dispenser Won’t Stop Dispensing Water?
When we think about water dispensing problems, we usually imagine a dispenser that no longer works. Another common problem that can occur is when the water dispenser does not stop and you end up with more water than you need or can handle. If this happens, you will be glad to know that there are a number of possible causes as well as a few solutions you can try. Our Barrie team is also just a phone call away when you need professional repairs.
Turn Off The Water
To avoid water covering the floor, you can take quick action by shutting off the water supply to your fridge. This will give you the time you need to find the source of the problem without having to catch all that water.
One of the most common causes of this water dispensing problem is a stuck water dispenser button. If it is pressed too hard, it can get stuck in the on position. To release it, try pressing it again. If this does not work, you can try unplugging your fridge for 5 to 10 minutes. This can also help release a stuck button.
Electrical Problem
This can be particularly tricky to diagnose yourself and it is best to call a technician if you suspect and electrical or electronic fault. Professional technicians are equipped with the necessary tools and they are experienced in diagnosing these problems. This means that you will have your water dispenser working again in no time! Something as simple as a loose wire can cause all sorts of problems and it is best that these problems are repaired promptly before they can cause any other damage.
Water Valve
There is a valve that is responsible for supplying water to the dispenser. If this valve has become worn or faulty, you may notice water dripping when the dispenser is not in use. This does not refer, however, to the few drops of water that may drip after pouring yourself a glass. This is relatively normal but, if it becomes excessive, you can run the water dispenser for at least two minutes non-stop and this will help release any air in the system and prevent excessive dripping after use. For more serious water dripping, call a technician to take a look at the water valve and other relevant parts in the dispensing system.
Lubricating The Mechanism
Behind the dispenser handle there is a switch or button. If the button is covered with a cover, this cap needs to be removed first. You can then lubricate the button with mineral oil or a similar substance. To lubricate the entire mechanism, you should open the freezer door and turn the dispenser on and off a few times.
Faulty Solenoid
A bad solenoid is a common cause of water dispenser problems. This is the kind of repairs that should be diagnosed and performed by a trained professional in order to prevent any additional damage to the appliance.
Professional Repairs
If you have tried resetting your fridge and unsticking any potentially stuck buttons, it might be time to call a professional. While waiting, you do not need to keep your fridge turned off but you should turn the water supply to your fridge off. A technician should arrive promptly but you do not want to spend your time catching all that water while you wait.
When it comes to diagnosing water dispenser problems, you need a trained expert in your corner. No matter the brand or model of your fridge, our Barrie appliance repair technicians at Max Appliance Repair are always happy to assist. We understand just how urgent these repairs are and we offer prompt service as well as on-site repairs for your convenience.